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MS Windws Firewall에서 FTP 설정 방법

by 이완주 2008. 3. 19.


FTP 서비스를 하고 있는 서버에 Windows 방화벽 설정을 하였을 경우 FTP 서비스가 정상적으로 되지 않습니다.

Windows 방화벽 설정은 MS의 기술자료인 방화벽 설정 문제 해결 방법으로 설정 하였으나 정상적인 서비스가 되지 않음.

Windows XP 서비스 팩 2에서 Windows 방화벽 설정 문제 해결



IIS 기본 실행 파일인 Inetinfo.exe을 예외 설정을 하셔야 합니다.


아래 사이트에 관련 내용에 대한 답이 자세히 나와 있네요..


윈도우 방화벽에서 아래와 같이 설정 하시면 됩니다.

135 TCP
21 (The site's port) TCP
20 TCP
program "inetinfo.exe"


- 사이트 참조 내용

I just recently switched my server (Windows Server 2003 Enterprise, fully updated) from the Security Configuration Wizard (SCW), back to Windows Firewall. However, when I did this, all my FTP site stopped working. I've checked all services and dependent services and they all are running fine. I believe it has somethign to do with Windows Firewall. However, prior to switching over to SCW, my FTP sites all worked.

I've deleted my old entries for the FTP sites and remade all of them just to see if it would work and it didn't. Prior to SCW, all I needed to do was open port 135 and the ports my FTP would be working through. However, now it doesn't worked.

I've opened up a couple of additional ports hoping that it might work but it doesn't.
Currently the ports I have open for FTP
135 TCP
21 (The site's port) TCP
20 TCP
program "inetinfo.exe"

I've even opened up teh UDP for those same ports but it still doesn't work.

Any help appreciated.
